I'm trying to append an output of a command to a variable in Bash. My code is
for file in *
lineInfo=`wc -l $file`
echo "$lineInfo"
I understand how to "capture" the output of a command to a variable as I have done in this line by the use of backquotes.
lineInfo=`wc -l $file`
Is there a clean cut way I can place the output of that entire for loop into a variable in Bash? Or in each iteration of the for loop append the output of the wc command to linesInfo ? (Without redirecting anything to files) Thanks.
This stores all the line infos (separated by commas) into one variable and prints that variable:
for file in *
lineInfo=`wc -l $file`
total="$total$lineInfo, " # or total+="$lineInfo, "
echo $total