
Eclipse mars m2e & groovy eclipse compiler?: no source folders

I tried to import a maven multimodule project that worked with eclipse luna into eclipse mars. This multi-module maven project has no source folder in eclipse mars, the dependencies are also not present:

Missing dependencies and source folder in eclipse mars

I can't add the src/main/java folder as a source folder:

No build path actions available

Other maven multi module projects do work. The difference with this project is that it uses the groovy-eclipse-compiler:

          <verbose />

To have the correct groovy tooling in eclipse I installed groovy-eclipse from the update site:

Groovy Eclipse 2.9.2 snapshot builds for Eclipse 4.5 are available, update site

What can I do so eclipse mars recognizes this maven project correctly?


  • This seems to be a groovy-eclipse bug. I opened an issue on the github page: , but I guess the project has been orphaned, which is a real shame :( !