
DS-5 Support for Mac OS X

I am trying to use DS-5 on Mac OS. DS-5 website,, says that DS-5 has support for Mac OS but I am unable to figure out what exactly is supported. I cannot find Mac OS installer for DS-5, for example. What support does DS-5 actually have for Mac OS X?


  • DS-5 has limited support for Mac OS X.

    DS-5 Full IDE : DS-5 does NOT have a full IDE installer for Mac OS X. If you need the full DS-5 IDE, then you will have to use a Windows/Linux machine/VM.

    DS-5 Eclipse Plugin : You can install DS-5 community edition plugin into an existing Eclipse installation by following instructions in the page. This will give you the basic features of DS-5 listed under Community edition in the page.

    You can get full Streamline support, if you buy Professional or Ultimate edition license and update the license key in your Eclipse IDE.