I've a strange problem with the latest TinyMce 4 spellchecker plugin - it couldn't find the dictionary files.
I've downloaded the dictionaries from the textmaker repo and placed them under tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/dicts.
The returned error is:
Enchant spellchecker could not find dictionary for language: en
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
p.s. I know that i could enable the default browser spellcheck or just use the nanospell plugin, but I want to make the default one work.
I find a dirty solution.
I've just added in spellchecker.php the current DIR path as follow
// Enchant options
"enchant_dicts_path" => __DIR__ . "/dicts",
I'm not sure if this issue is only specific to my local env...
I've also added some of those dictionary collection https://github.com/titoBouzout/Dictionaries (make sure that you rename the name in country-code format en_US, it_IT, etc.)