My document has around 20 fields in it
I want to select only 2 fields and ignore other fields
I tried the below code as suggested here
collection. find({}, { Name: 1, District: 1,_id:0},{limit:5}, function (e, docs) {
But its returning all fields. I want to get only name and district.
i.e I have Name,District,Country,Pincode,PhoneNumber, emailId,photo and many other fields. I want to select only Name and District.
P.S I am looking for ways other than giving all other field names as 0
I am using Monk
When using Monk, pass the fields to select as a string containing space-delimited field names, using a -
prefix to exclude a field.
collection.find({}, 'Name District -_id', function (e, docs) {
You can also pass the field selections as an array of strings:
collection.find({}, ['Name', 'District', '-_id'], function (e, docs) {