I try to call a function from a dll, but it doesn't seem to work fine. Here is the code:
HMODULE dllhandle;
#include "Unit1.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
dllhandle = LoadLibrary((wchar_t*)"PBusDrv.dll");
typedef int (*PBUSCONNECTEX)(String aux1, String aux2, String ip);
PBusConnectEx = (PBUSCONNECTEX)GetProcAddress(dllhandle, "PBusConnectEx");
PBusConnectEx(" "," ","");
dllhandle keeps returning with a null value.
The problem is probably here:
You are casting an ANSI string (1 byte per char) as a wide-string (2 bytes per char). This is never going to work.
You have 3 options:
1- Use the ANSI version of the LoadLibrary function
dllhandle = LoadLibraryA("PBusDrv.dll");
2- Use the appropriate string type according to the project configuration:
dllhandle = LoadLibrary(_T("PBusDrv.dll"));
3- Use the wide-string version of LoadLibrary, while passing a wide-string as input
dllhandle = LoadLibraryW(L"PBusDrv.dll");
Note: Don't mix non-specific function macros with one particular type of string. For example, don't do this:
dllhandle = LoadLibrary(L"PBusDrv.dll");