
Checking for WebRTC connectivity - reliable methods

I have a live video chat application and I use a TURN server which supports STUN/TURN and both UPD/TCP transmission.

Sometimes users can be connected to the network which blocks that much ports and protocols that WebRTC connection just cannot happen (usually those are corporate networks). I would like to check if a WebRTC connection is possible before users try to connect to each other (actually, perform a technical check).

How can I do it? Ideas I have in my head:

  1. Try to download a hosted chunk of data (audio file, for example) via WebRTC - is it possible and would this be enough to make sure both inbound and outbound connections are open?
  2. Use a TURN server as a host to make a connection to and see if it fails (have no idea if I can do it or not)
  3. Use Flash to try to download/upload a chunk of data over specific ports and protocols. May be even using Cirrus. However, I am not sure this test will be accurate from WebRTC prospective.
  4. Any other ideas?

Additional requirement: the checking technique must support Chrome, Opera and Firefox. Preferably also IE/Safari via Temasys plugin.

Edition 1 - gathering ICE candidates is a good idea, however, it is not 100% reliable. Once I checked logs in my application and it actually gathered relay ICE candidates, but video/audio transmission failed. Tested on Apprtc as well and got same results.


  • the typical WebRTC approach to this is to create a peerconnection with STUN and TURN servers, call createOffer and setLocalDescription and watch the candidates gathered. See e.g.

    If you get srflx candidates, your stun server works (i.e. UDP is not blocked). More interesting is whether you get relay candidates. If you do, using TURN as a fallback will work. Quality might suffer if TURN/TCP is used. If you don't get relay candidates... calls are very unlikely to work.