
Concatenation multiple rows and columns in SQL Server

I have following tables.

Student table:

Id          Name
1           A
2           B

Marks table:

StudentId SubjectId Marks
1           1       67
1           2       89
2           1       78
2           2       86

I want to concat multiple rows for a given studentId and SubjectId, Marks columns into a single column as below.


Id          Name   SubjectMarks
1           A       1:67,2:89
2           B       1:78,2:86

I tried FOR XML PATH. It works for a single column, but for 2 columns I couldn't write a query.


  • You can do this without a CTE:

    select s.id, s.name,
           stuff((select ',' + cast(subjectid as varchar(8000)) + ':' + cast(marks as varchar(8000))
                 from marks m
                 where m.studentid = s.id
                 for xml path (''), type
                 ).value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, ''
                ) as SubjectMarks
    from student s;