
(Spring) class path resource exception java.io.FileNotFoundException

I have aded following code to my web.xml



But I am getting error for the same as

IOException parsing XML document from class path resource [com/neelamhotel/mavenwebproject5/configs/dao-context.xml]; nested exception is java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource [com/neelamhotel/mavenwebproject5/configs/dao-context.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist

Project Structure

enter image description here

Explorer View

enter image description here

I know dao-context.xml file is there. But then why it is giving an error ?

Updated Explorer view

enter image description here

Created WAR file view

enter image description here


  • In a Maven project, src/main/java is for Java source files. The other files are ignored by Maven.

    Resources (i.e. non-Java files) that must be copied and be available in the classpath must go in src/main/resources.

    Gradle uses the same conventions.