I am trying to compile this tutorial from the libav doc: link
I changed nothing on the code!
But when I compile it with:
gcc test.c -lavformat -lswscale -lavdevice -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil -lpthread -lm -o example
I get these errors:
undefined reference to `check_sample_fmt'
undefined reference to `select_sample_rate'
undefined reference to `select_channel_layout'
undefined reference to `av_frame_alloc'
undefined reference to `av_frame_free'
Searching Dr.google I read that it maybe has something to do with the linking order of the libs. But I did not found the correct one yet?!
EDIT: this 'possible dublicate' seems not to be related to my problem
ffmpeg comes with an Makefile for the examples. I took this one and simply used it for my libav examples. Link