I'm currently working on the translation aspect of an eZPublish5 website which will contain 4 languages : french, english, russian and chinese, with french as original language and locale fallback.
Translation of content in backend is working just fine but I'm struggling with translating template parts, which I have encapsulated in {% trans %}
filters. I don't think it's directly related to a locale issue because {% trans %}
tags are working with french, english and russian, but not in chinese.
To do so I used
php ezpublish/console translation:update --output-format=xlf locale bundle --force
witch generated messages.fr.xlf, messages.en.xlf, and messages.ru.xlf.
When in chinese, if I dump the locale in twig using {{ app.request.locale }}
I get zh_TW for result, so I generated a messages.zh_TW.xlf, without any result.
After a loooong web search regarding language codes of all sort, I started losing patience and generated :
to no avail. This project is my first with eZpublish and I my first multilanguage under the Twig/Symfony logic.
Some code to show language declaration:
- chi-TW
- fre-FR
name: eZSESSID
Any idea what am I doing wrong ?
Soooo. I found a solution to solve my problem, and I'm quite ashamed to share it here.
-------Huge Revelation !-------
$php app/console cache:clear
The first three language files had been created quite a while ago and cache had been cleared a lot since, so that's why these trans files were working. I cleared the cache and now everything is working just fine. BTW the answer to my own question was : messages.zh_TW.xlf
Now I'm gonna hide myself for a while.