
Is there a way to parametrize a module on a type or escape a type from a module in OCaml?

Is there a way to either parametrize a module on a type or escape a type from a module in OCaml? Basically, I'd like to write some routines that are parametrized on a floating point type and still have access to the operators like (+.), (-.), etc. Certainly, we can write a floating point module like

module type REAL = sig
    type t
    val real : float->t
    val (+.) : t->t->t
    val (-.) : t->t->t
    val ( *. ) : t->t->t
    val (/.) : t->t->t

which has a really basic implementation for normal floats

module MyReal : REAL = struct
    type t=float
    let real x=x
    let (+.) x y = x+.y  
    let (-.) x y = x-.y
    let ( *. ) x y = x*.y
    let (/.) x y = x/.y

Then, I tried to use this module locally in a module with the code

let double (type real) (module Real:REAL with type t = real) x =
    let open Real in

This function has the type that I desire

val double : (module REAL with type t = 'a) -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>

However, if I run it, the compiler will complain

# double (module MyReal) 1.0;;
Error: This expression has type float but an expression was expected of type

Certainly, we can use the injection function from the module

# double (module MyReal) (MyReal.real 1.0);;
- : MyReal.t = <abstr>

but then the resulting type is abstract and not a float. Ultimately, I'd like a way to have the function double return an exposed type. If at all possible, I don't want to use another function within the REAL module to convert t->float. I want the actual type t to be exposed somehow. Also, I'd like a way to do this by using the module locally rather than a functor parameterized on REAL.


  • You gave MyReal a type constraint too restricted: MyReal : REAL. It's type t's implementation is hidden by the constraint. At the use of MyReal, double (module MyReal) 1.0, the unification of type t and float fails since you hide the fact t = float.

    A fix is the following:

    module MyReal : REAL with type t = float = struct

    but the best way is to let OCaml infer the most general type for MyReal by itself:

    module MyReal = struct

    Here, the relationship of MyReal and REAL is less clear but OCaml's module typing is clever enough to find MyReal has an instance of module REAL with type t = 'a.