<div ng-controller="TestController">
Framework is {{name}}
Am making the above piece of html code into angular manually in the script.
var app = angular.module('TestModule',[]);
angular.bootstrap(document, app);
I want to know the difference, advantages, disadvantages in initializing the controller in the below two ways.
Model 1:
var app = angular.module('TestModule',[]);
angular.bootstrap(document, app);
var app = angular.module('TestModule',[]);
window['TestController'] = function($scope){
angular.bootstrap(document, app);
Both the above models works same. When does the controller actually creates. when the scope gets creates for the controller. Kindly share your comments.
Model2 is the bad way to do it. Use Model1, its better and angular's way to create controllers.
In Model2 you are polluting global window scope.