
Parse DICOMDIR to get image filepaths

I'm trying to locate DICOM filepaths by parsing a DICOMDIR.

But can't seem to figure out how to locate them. I parse through the DICOMDIR as follows:

DicomDirectory dir = new DicomDirectory("AE_TITLE");
foreach(DirectoryRecordSequenceItem elem in dir.RootDirectoryRecordCollection){//study
    foreach(DirectoryRecordSequenceItem innerElem in elem.LowerLevelDirectoryRecordCollection){//sequence
        foreach(DirectoryRecordSequenceItem inner2Elem in innerElem.LowerLevelDirectoryRecordCollection){//series
            foreach (DirectoryRecordSequenceItem inner3Elem in lastElem.LowerLevelDirectoryRecordCollection) // img


this loops through the each study/sequence/series/image but non of these seem to contain a filepath to a .dcm file.

P.S. I use the ClearCanvas library to create the DicomDirectory object


  • It appears that if you go to the lowest level (image level) the dicomfile has an attribute ReferencedFileId which holds the relative path so all that was needed is:


    This returns the path to the dicom file relative to where the DICOMDIR is located