i get 5 categories data in my wordpress blog and listing titanium mobile app i added row background on my rows but all rows same background how can seperatly background all rows ?
Here My Normal Table View Screen http://i.hizliresim.com/EqR4l8.png
Here MY Added row.backgroundImage Screen http://i.hizliresim.com/VLM12r.png
My Categories .JS
$.init = function() {
var rows = [];
getCategories(function(_data) {
for (var x = 0; x < _data.length; x++) {
rows.push(Alloy.createController('category-item', {
data : _data[x]
Here my categries-items.js
$.c_title.text = args.data.name ;
$.c_counts.text = args.data.count ;
$.row.Item = args.data;
$.row.backgroundImage = 'durum.png';
$.row.backgroundImage = args.data.bgImg;
and add bgImg to your data object (where you set name and count).