
Reload TableViewController from parent

I have a TableViewController, lets call it A, that is in a container view of another view controller, B. I need A to reload it's data when a value changes in B. I also need it to get this changed value from B. Any ideas?


  • Have you considered using notifications?

    So, in B – I would do something like:

    // ViewControllerB.swift
    import UIKit
    static let BChangedNotification = "ViewControllerBChanged"
    class ViewControllerB: UIViewController {
        //... truncated
        func valueChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
            let changedValue = ...
                BChangedNotification, object: changedValue)
        //... truncated

    Followed up with A looking something like this – where ValueType is simply the type of the value you mentioned:

    import UIKit
    class ViewControllerA: UITableViewController {
        //... truncated
        required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
            super.init(coder: aDecoder)
                selector: "onBChangedNotification:",
                name: BChangedNotification,
                object: nil)
        //... truncated
        func onBChangedNotification(notification: NSNotification) {
            if let newValue = notification.object as? ValueType {
                //...truncated (do something with newValue)

    Lastly – don't forget to remove the observer in A's deinit method:

    import UIKit
    class ViewControllerA: UITableViewController {
        //... truncated 
        deinit {
        //... truncated