
GWT 2.7.0 Super Dev Mode, don't recompile server side code after change

I am starting to learn GWT.

I've picked up newest version (2.7.0).

I have wrote Entry point class to display start page and to call rpc to server to execute some function.

Every change I made in client side source code in Entry point class, cause auto recompile (hot swap), so I can see immediatly changes, that I've apply.

My problem is that it works only for client side code.

It dosen't work for server side code. To see changes in server side code, I have to stop server and console, and run it again, which is very very annoiyng.

So my question is:

Please give me your thougths about it.

By the way: I use GWT with eclipse and Google plugin.


I wonder what about Maven GWT projects? How to deal with them?


  • What you describe is normal behavior.

    There are several ways to reload the server side code when refreshing without restarting your server:

    1. The built in web server does support hot swapping code, but only if you do not modify method or class signatures. If you do change them (or add a class or method), a server restart is required.
    2. You might need to configure your Eclipse to auto re-publish any code changes to your web server.
    3. There are 3rd Party Eclipse plugins which improve the hot code reloading mechanism, for example JRebel, which allows hot code replacement even if you change method or class signatures.