
Google Proximity API, how to unregister a beacon and reuse somewhere else?

Google provides a method to register a beacon to their register using Proximity APIs.

the call used for this is

POST https://proximitybeacon.googleapis.com/v1beta1/beacons:register in


However, there is no documentation provided to 'unregister'


  1. Is there any API?
  2. Is it just enough to un-authorize?


  1. Using a test account, the beacon device is already registered and authorized.
  2. Production requires another account to be owning it. Guess, this requires unregister / un-authorize

which is correct?


  • I believe the proper way to "unregister" a beacon is to decommission it:


    This is what Joe Birch said about decommissioning a beacon in his overview of the Proximity API (a great read, BTW):

    Decommissioning a beacon marks it as having no further use, causing it to be completely disregarded. Setting this state is irreversible, so should only be done if it is certain to not be used again.