
Symfony 2: Create overview page with possibility to search - always got errors from form "should not be blank"

I defined the form:

class OrganizationSearchType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            ->add('name', 'text', array('label' => 'Name', 'required' => false))
            ->add('category', 'text', array('label' => 'Kategorie', 'required' => false))
            ->add('street', 'text', array('label' => 'Strasse', 'required' => false))
            ->add('zip', 'text', array('label' => 'PLZ', 'required' => false))
            ->add('city', 'text', array('label' => 'Ort', 'required' => false))
            ->add('search', 'submit', array('label' => 'Suchen'));


    public function getName()
        return 'organization';

TWIG: {# app/Resources/views/organization/overview.html.twig #}

{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}

{% block body %}
    {{ form_start(searchForm) }}
    {{ form_errors(searchForm) }}
        {{ form_label( }}
        {{ form_widget( }}
        {{ form_label(searchForm.category) }}
        {{ form_widget(searchForm.category) }}
        {{ form_label(searchForm.street) }}
        {{ form_widget(searchForm.street) }}
        {{ form_label( }}
        {{ form_widget( }}
        {{ form_label( }}
        {{ form_widget( }}

    {{ form_end(searchForm) }}

    {% if searchDone %}
    {% if table|length > 0 %}


     * @Route("/organization")
    public function showAll(Request $request)
        $searchOrganization = new Organization();
        $repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:Organization');
        $availableCategories = $repository->getDistinctCategories();

        $selectCategories = array();
        for ($i=0; $i<count($availableCategories); $i++) {
            array_push($selectCategories, $availableCategories[$i]['category']);

        $searchForm = $this->createForm(new OrganizationSearchType(), $searchOrganization);
        $searchForm->add('category','choice', array('choice_list' => new ChoiceList($selectCategories, $selectCategories), 'label' => 'Kategorie', 'required' => false));

        if ($searchForm->isSubmitted()) {
            $name = $searchForm["name"]->getData();
            $category = $searchForm["category"]->getData();
            $street = $searchForm["street"]->getData();
            $zip = $searchForm["zip"]->getData();
            $city = $searchForm["city"]->getData();

            $searchOrganization = $repository->getBasicSearch($name, $category, $street, $zip, $city);
        } else {
            $searchOrganization = '';

        return $this->render(
                'table' => $searchOrganization,
                'searchForm' => $searchForm->createView(),
                'searchDone' => $searchForm->isSubmitted(),

All fields are optional - if they have no content the like-Statement searches for '%'. But I always get Errors - cannot find a possiblity to remove them.

category [choice]


Message Origin  Cause
This value should not be blank. category    Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolation
Object(Symfony\Component\Form\Form).data.category = null

city [text]


Message Origin  Cause
This value should not be blank. city    Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolation
Object(Symfony\Component\Form\Form) = null

Class Organization:

// src/AppBundle/Entity/Product.php

namespace AppBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Entity\OrganizationRepository")
 * @ORM\Table(name="organization")
class Organization
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

     * @Assert\NotBlank()
     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=150)
    protected $name;

     * @Assert\NotBlank()
     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100)
    protected $category;

     * @Assert\NotBlank() 
     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100)
    protected $street;

     * @Assert\NotBlank()
     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=20)
    protected $zip;

     * @Assert\NotBlank()
     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100)
    protected $city;

     * Get id
     * @return integer 
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

     * Set name
     * @param string $name
     * @return Organization
    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;

        return $this;

     * Get name
     * @return string 
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

     * Set category
     * @param string $category
     * @return Organization
    public function setCategory($category)
        $this->category = $category;

        return $this;

     * Get category
     * @return string 
    public function getCategory()
        return $this->category;

     * Set street
     * @param string $street
     * @return Organization
    public function setStreet($street)
        $this->street = $street;

        return $this;

     * Get street
     * @return string 
    public function getStreet()
        return $this->street;

     * Set zip
     * @param string $zip
     * @return Organization
    public function setZip($zip)
        $this->zip = $zip;

        return $this;

     * Get zip
     * @return string 
    public function getZip()
        return $this->zip;

     * Set city
     * @param string $city
     * @return Organization
    public function setCity($city)
        $this->city = $city;

        return $this;

     * Get city
     * @return string 
    public function getCity()
        return $this->city;

class OrganizationRepository extends EntityRepository
    public function getBasicSearch($name, $category, $street, $zip, $city) {
        $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('organization');
        if ($name == '') {
            $name = '%';
        if ($category == '') {
            $category = '%';
        if($street == '') {
            $street = '%';
        if($zip == '') {
            $zip = '%';
        if($city == '') {
            $city = '%';
                $qb->expr()->like('organization.category', ':category'),
                $qb->expr()->like('', ':name'),
                $qb->expr()->like('organization.street', ':street'),
                $qb->expr()->like('', ':zip'),
                $qb->expr()->like('', ':city')
        )->setParameters(array('category' => $category, 'name' => $name, 'street' => $street, 'zip' => $zip, 'city' => $city));

        $res = $qb->getQuery();
        return $res->getResult();

    public function getDistinctCategories() {
        $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('organization');
        $res = $qb->getQuery();
        return $res->getResult();


  • The error come from the assertion onto your entity

     * @Assert\NotBlank()
     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100)
    protected $category

    Regardless what you put onto your form, every time you call isValid() onto a form tied to an entity, entity assertions are checked aswell. And this perfectly make sens.

    You have to fix your code

    Moreover, you're doing some extra work that isn't necessary and you're doing it in the wrong way.

    Hope this help