I found good starter of GWT 2.7.0 application that work with maven. Here is repository
Unfortunatelly owner/creator don't use eclipse, so he can help me.
I would like to have this project to work with eclipse and to be well integrated (like official ant project- stockwatcher f.e.).
My problem is that I can't run this project in eclipse in super dev mode. The only options I have is:
f.e. I can run install witch will compile project.
But I don't have option to run in SuperDevMode
The second problem is that I can't add GWT sdk to app using right mouse button on project -> Properties as You can see here:
I can run this project using maven in linux konsole, but I can't do this by clicking in eclipse.
Please help
My project structure in eclipse after import from git repository:
Here is main pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<defaultGoal>clean install tomcat7:run-war-only</defaultGoal>
<!-- IDE -->
<version>2.7</version> <!-- Note 2.8 does not work with AspectJ aspect path -->
The project is composed of 3 submodules. When importing the project into Eclipse, you should then have 4 projects in your workspace: parent
, shared
, server
and web
should be a simple project (this is why you don't have many options in Run As…
), and shared
, server
and web
should be Java projects.
The web
project is where GWT client code is (in addition to shared
), and the GPE should automatically configure it as a GWT project, with the GWT SDK taken from the Maven dependencies (so you won't have a GWT "library" –in Eclipse parlance– in your dependencies, only the JRE/JDK and a "Maven Dependencies" library).
This is also on that web
project that you'll Run As…
→ Web Application