a build was created using a build definition - how can i associate (add or append) a snapshot to a build result?
this question occurs because i have some build results and want to create a new repository workspace (or a stream) from an exisiting build result. this workflow is suggested by the context-menu in eclipse
it always gives me the following error:
The problem seems to be that there is no snapshot created when i start a build. how can i add a manually created snapshot to that build result or how can i change my build definition that it creates a snapshot automatically?
You first add a repo workspace from the build, as you illustrated i the question.
Then you load that repo workspace in a snapshot (or local sandbox).
You need those two steps.
The OP Martin Frank explains that the source of the issue comes from having to accept only some of the pending changes.
Workaround: insert a build-setup repository workspace
you can accept all changes that are required on the 'build-setup' repository workspace. to create a build you use a second repository workspace, namely the 'build' repository workspace. once you have this setup, you can check the option 'Accept latest changes' which will add the snapshot onto your build result.