
Configure IBM WAS Liberty V8.5.5.6 & eXreme Scale

I am attempting (and failing) to configure a development environment as follows:-

Eclipse 4.5 for Java EE Developers (Mars).
WebSphere Developer Tools
IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale v8.5 Liberty Profile Developer Tools
WebSphere eXtreme Scale V8.6 for Developers - Liberty Profile
WAS Liberty V8.5.5.6 with Java EE 7 Full Platform

The issues I have relate to my organisations security constraints related to downloading resources from external web sites.

I can successfully configure the following separate environments

eXtreme Scale

Eclipse 4.5 for Java EE Developers (Mars).
WebSphere Developer Tools into Eclipse 
WebSphere eXtreme Scale V8.6 for Developers - Liberty Profile
WAS Liberty Beta v9 with OSGi Applications


Eclipse 4.5 for Java EE Developers (Mars).
WebSphere Developer Tools into Eclipse 
WAS Liberty V8.5.5.6 with Java EE 7 Full Platform

My two blockers are

Eclipse eXtreme Scale tools

IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale v8.5 Liberty Profile Developer Tools

Are only available as an Update Site. I can only install eclipse tools as zip archives.

Are these Eclipse tools available as a zip archive?

OSGi Blueprint This feature is only installable using the command line

bin/installUtility install blueprint-1.0

Is this feature available as a jar download?


  • About Eclipse eXtreme Scale tools. You can get the zip version here,


    However, this tool will only work up to Eclipse Juno. More information here, https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/ibm-websphere-extreme-scale-v86-liberty-profile-developer-tools

    About OSGi Blueprint. AFAIK, there is no zip version. If there is a firewall issue, consider installing the required Liberty Runtime stack, zip it up and put it in the required machine.

    btw, you may also need wab-1.0 as well as blueprint-1.0. Here is the information, https://developer.ibm.com/wasdev/downloads/#asset/features-com.ibm.websphere.appserver.wab-1.0

    Hope it helps