I am fetching time from server like this: 25-07-2015 12:25:28
Now I want to show it like this:
a few second ago
1 minute ago
30 minutes ago
1 Hour ago
12 Hours ago
and after 24 Hours ago
show me the date of that day like :
25 August 2015
the following code works. But no data validation done (eg: old>new)
$olddate = "25-08-2015 15:35:28"; //date as string
$now = time(); //pick present time from server
$old = strtotime( $olddate); //create integer value of old time
$diff = $now-$old; //calculate difference
$old = new DateTime($olddate);
$old = $old->format('Y M d'); //format date to "2015 Aug 2015" format
if ($diff /60 <1) //check the difference and do echo as required
echo intval($diff%60)."seconds ago";
else if (intval($diff/60) == 1)
echo " 1 minute ago";
else if ($diff / 60 < 60)
echo intval($diff/60)."minutes ago";
else if (intval($diff / 3600) == 1)
echo "1 hour ago";
else if ($diff / 3600 <24)
echo intval($diff/3600) . " hours ago";
else if ($diff/86400 < 30)
echo intval($diff/86400) . " days ago";
echo $old; ////format date to "2015 Aug 2015" format
Change the looping if you can. Logic remains same.