
Solr - mm paramter of dismax parser

I am using Solr 5.2.1, in one of my project, and got some doubt on mm paramter of dismax / edismax parser.


Any help? Thx.


Query url for 1st question:


There are 2 terms new and york, the query result is:

So, I guess it will change the mm to max term first, before query.


  • Answer-2: If no mm parameter is specified in the query, or as a default in solrconfig.xml, the effective value of the q.op parameter (either in the query, as a default in solrconfig.xml, or from the 'defaultOperator' option in schema.xml) is used to influence the behavior. So the default behavior of the mm is determined by q.op parameter. If q.op is effectively AND, then mm=100%; if q.op is OR, then mm=1.