
Android Retrofit POST ArrayList

Trying to send List<String> to server and have Bad Request Error.

public interface PostReviewApi {
        void addReview(@Field("review[place_id]") int placeId, @Field("review[content]") String review,
                       @Field("review[rating]") float rating, @Field("review[tag_list]") List<String> tagsList, Callback<ReviewEntity> callback);

    postApi.addReview(mRestaurantId, reviewText, (float) mRating, tagsList, new Callback<ReviewEntity>() {
                public void success(ReviewEntity reviewEntity, Response response) {

                public void failure(RetrofitError error) {

Make @Field("review[tag_list[]]") doesn't help either


  • Try using @Body annotation instead of @Field and passing a single ReviewBody object.

    class ReviewBody {
        public Review review;
        public ReviewBody(int placeId, float rating, String content, List<String> tagList) {
            review = new Review(placeId, rating, content, tagList);
        public class Review {
            public int placeId;
            public float rating; 
            public String content;
            public List<String> tagList;
            public Review(int placeId, float rating, String content, List<String> tagList) {
                this.placeId = placeId;
                this.rating = rating;
                this.content = content;
                this.tagList = tagList;

    void addReview(@Body ReviewBody body, Callback<ReviewEntity> callback);

    (without @FormUrlEncoded)