
Recieving Overpayments in Quickbooks through the Web Connector

I'm the programmer for a company that sells a web-based business software product, that lets the user run their business. It has an A/R module. Our users use our software to enter payments from their customers and apply the payments to their customer-invoices in our system.

Our system is also required to sync all financial information to our user's Desktop QuickBoooks. We use the QB Web Connector to do this. I have written the code to send a ReceivePaymentAdd to their QB when they enter a payment in our system, and it works well. The only caveat is when our user's customer sends them an overpayment.

For example, their customer sends them a check for $50.00, but that customer only has an outstanding invoice for $45.00.

The way I'm handling that now is to reduce the check amount to $45.00 and create a credit memo in our system for $5.00. Then import the $45.00 payment into their QB (applied to the $45.00 invoice), and also import the credit memo for $5.00 (as a credit memo in QB).

We've realized that this approach doesn't work because it throws off their bank account (They have a check for $50.00 in their hands and we've only added a $45.00 payment to their QB).

I know I can send a ReceivePaymentAdd for the full $50.00, and have only $45.00 applied to invoices. If I do that, their customer will have a $5.00 credit balance in QB. And if I remove the code that reduces the payment amount and creates a credit memo in our system, then our system will also record a $5.00 credit for the customer.

I can program our Receive Payment screen to allow our users to apply such customer credits to invoices when entering a new payment, but how do I tell QB to do so? I see nothing in the IDN Unified OSR for that when I look at the ReceivePaymentAdd request.

So to continue the above example, suppose our user informs their customer they have a $5.00 credit, and the user makes a $25.00 purchase and sends a check for $20.00. Then I will have a ReceivePaymentAdd request with a $20.00 check payment amount, and $25.00 applied to an invoice. Will this work? Won't QB throw back an error that the amount applied to invoices is greater than the amount paid?

How do I tell QB (through the Web Connector) to use up the customer credit?


  • The QuickBooks API works exactly like the UI in this case. So, how would you do it in the UI?

    In the UI, you'd ADD a RECEIVED PAYMENT for $50 initially, and apply only $45 of it. That leaves $5 of it unapplied.

    Then, when they place the next order you'd ADD a RECEIVED PAYMENT of $20, and apply that to the new invoice. Then you'd go to the original, older received payment and UPDATE (modify) the RECEIVED PAYMENT to apply that remaining $5 to the new invoice.

    You'll do the same thing via the API.

    Do a ReceivePaymentMod on the original payment, and apply the remaining unapplied payment amount to your new invoice.