I have posted this question on dw mailing list but didnt get an answer.
Can I assume the YML format below doesnt work for DW 0.7.0 anymore? (The use of @ char to insert env var)
- type: http
Malformed YAML at line: 28, column: 17; while scanning for the next token; found character @ '@' that cannot start any token. (Do not use @ for indentation); in 'reader', line 28, column 17: bindHost: @OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP@
So I decided to use this format:
type: simple
applicationContextPath: /
adminContextPath: /admin
type: http
bindHost: localhost
port: 8080
And tried to override it via jvm options:
java -Ddw.server.connector.bindHost=$OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP -Ddw.server.connector.port=$OPENSHIFT_DIY_PORT -jar target/myapp.jar server myapp.yml
My local env variables:
The error I got from this setup:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.net.SocketException: Unresolved address at org.eclipse.jetty.setuid.SetUIDListener.lifeCycleStarting(SetUIDListener.java:213) ... Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Unresolved address at sun.nio.ch.Net.translateToSocketException(Net.java:157) ... WARN [2014-05-03 20:11:19,412] org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle: FAILED org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server@91b85: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.net.SocketException: Unresolved address
What am I doing wrong?
Starting from Dropwizard version 0.8.0, you can access environment variables from the configuration yml file. It also supports setting a default value in case the environment variable is not available. See the docs here.
// put environment variable inside ${}
// use :- operator to provide default value
dbHost: ${DB_HOST}
dbPort: ${DB_PORT:-1234}
// dbPort = 1234, if DB_PORT environment variable has no value
Important Note: For this to work you need to set up a SubstitutingSourceProvider
with an EnvironmentVariableSubstitutor
// Enable variable substitution with environment variables
new SubstitutingSourceProvider(
new EnvironmentVariableSubstitutor())
Update: 15/Nov/2017 as of dropwizard version 1.1.4
As mentioned by @EFreak in the comments section, new EnvironmentVariableSubstitutor()
will throw UndefinedEnvironmentVariableException
if the environment variable is not defined, unless you set strict
mode to false
by using new EnvironmentVariableSubstitutor(false)