
Angularjs ng-checked behaviour not consistent

I am using angularjs, and theres a edit view for one form, where I am trying to bind the previously used values. Below is my code/HTML. I am also using typescript for this and controller as format.


<label ng-repeat="type in Ctrl.Types">
    <input type="radio" name="Type" ng-model="Ctrl.Foo.Type" ng-value="type.TypeId" required ng-checked="type.TypeName===Ctrl.Foo.TypeName" />
    {{ type.TypeName }} {{ type.TypeName===Ctrl.Foo.TypeName }}

Typescript JS For getting Foo

getFoo = (Fooid) => {
    this.FooResource.getFooById(Fooid).then((response) => {

I am getting all the values, everything is binding, except the radio buttons, I can see checked="checked" in html inspect element, I have also outputted expression along in html, which is also as expected, but i can not see radio selected(dot in radio) many times, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. Types load at different times and Foo at different time.


  • I got this working by Adding a function in ng-checked instead of an expression and in that function, I returned true or false, and also set the ng-model to that selected value before returning, which was missing before as below.

    <label ng-repeat="type in Ctrl.Types">
        <input type="radio" name="Type" ng-model="Ctrl.Foo.Type" ng-value="type.TypeId" required ng-checked="Ctrl.isTypeChecked(type)" />
        {{ type.TypeName }}


    isTypeChecked = (t) => {   
        if (t.TypeName === this.Foo.TypeName) {
            this.Foo.Type = t.TypeId;
        return t.TypeName === this.Foo.TypeName;

    getFoo is unchanged from before.