
Adding (flat rate) shipping costs to the magento grand total in the shopping cart - Magento 1.9

Currently my magento shopping cart only adds up all the prices of the products in the cart. Adds this up to a subtotal, and then displays the exact same amount to the grand total. This is not realistic, since I will charge a flat rate amount of shipment costs (Will always be the same amount: 5,95)

Administratively, I use prices excluding tax, to keep things simple. I will state in the bottom of the site that all prices are inclusive of tax.

I have been looking around, but no one seems to have this problem, or there are no answers.

So what I have now:
Subtotal: 22,50
Grand total: 22,50

What I would like:
Subtotal: 22,50
Shipping: 5,95
Grand total: 28,45


  • ‘Subtotal’ and ‘Grand total’ are fetched from

    app\design\frontend\your-package\ your -theme\template\ tax\checkout\subtotal.phtml file and grandtotal.phtml files respectively. Edit grandtotal.phtml file as per your need.