
Get method of frisby does not work with https

I am new to frisby test. today i found I can't access https://ip address from friby api

for example:

frisby.create('my test').get("")
output: connect error

frisby.create('my test').get("")
this one works

please advise!


  • This is beacuse the unsafe connection (non-trusted SSL certificate). If you open same URL in a browser, it will ask for confirmation before to continue with the insecure connection.

    To do the same thing in frisby, add a second param to .get(...) method to specify strictSSL = false as follows:

    var frisby = require('frisby');
    frisby.create('Get a https resource')
          .get('', { strictSSL: false })
          .expectStatus(200) // For this case/IP-address this fails as it returns a 404