
Making the first letter of every sentence upper case using ucfirst

I'm trying to make the first letter of every sentence to be upper case while keeping the punctuation marks. I have tried ucfirst, but it only makes the first letter of the string uppercase, and not every other sentences. How do I fix this?

$text = "yes. are you listening to me? huh?!"
$text = ucfirst($text);

echo $text;

Expected Output:

Yes. Are you listening to me? Huh?!"

Actual Output:

Yes. are you listening to me? huh?!"


  • Try this:

    function ucfirstSentence($str){
         $str = ucfirst(strtolower($str));
         $str = preg_replace_callback('/([.!?])\s*(\w)/', 
           create_function('$matches', 'return strtoupper($matches[0]);'), $str);
         return $str;