With Basic4Android I can get access to a SQL server database using Remote Database Connector (RDC) (see http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/remote-database-connector-rdc-connect-to-any-remote-db.31540/ ). I can put the SQL server database on Azure. But how can I put the Java web server on Azure ?
Per my experience, I suggest you to create a Windows VM on Azure and install Java Environment to deploy the RDC on it. Please refer to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-windows-tutorial-classic-portal/ and https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-log-on-windows-server/.
Why is Azure VM? Why is Windows?
The causes are as following:
chmod u+x
for the decompressed files in RDC.zip and create a RunRLC.sh for boot Main class 'RemoteServer'.Note: I recommend Microsoft SQL JDBC version 4.0+ Driver to access Azure SQLDatabase and SQL Server on Azure. The RDC's default JDBC for MSSQL is jTDS that it is incompatible with MSSQL on Azure.
Best Regards.