
Include Third Party Jars with Business Objects SDK App

I am making a small app and I need opencsv for it. The app is deployed to SAP BI 4.1 and I am using the scheduling functionality.

If I did not need opencsv, I could deploy it to BOE and I would not need to package or extract the jars that the program needs. The reason being that BusinessObjects already has them in the java/lib folder.

However, how can I include the opencsv jar without packaging all the jars with my jar? Basically, I need to do the same as "configure build path" in Ecplise for my project, but I need to do that through the Business Objects platform, so that I am configuring their build path. Please help!


  • In Eclipse, include the external jar in the Build Path (I assume you're done this already). Do not include the external jar in your application's jar, but put it somewhere accessible on the BO server (I put min in C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Programs\common), then on the program object's properties panel, include the full path to the jar in the Classpath, ex:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Programs\common\opencsv.jar


    You can put either the full path in Classpath, or set the Working Directory to be the base directory and just put a relative path in Classpath.

    In my case, I set the working directory to:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Programs

    and my Classpath would be:


    Other jars can be semi-colon deilmited; ex.:
