
Android Device chooser not recognizing my Nexus 7

I am using my Mac for android development and have used my Nexus 7 for almost a year now as my go-to device for testing my apps. Recently my device started getting unrecognized by computers even in windows as well in my Mac. For Eclipse's Android Device Chooser my device will show for about 0.01 sec then suddenly disappear. My Android File Transfer app no longer functions because it can't see my device.

I did my research and none of the answers gave me any relief. I've tried the adb kill-server/adb start-server, restart Mac, restart device restart eclipse. My usb debugging is turned on and still my device can't be recognized. It's not also in adb devices list. The irritating thing is it will show for 0.01 sec in device chooser then disappear. Is there a solution here? Maybe an update of the device?

I tried different phones and they were all recognized.


  • I don't know exactly what the problem was but when I upgraded my Nexus 7 to Lollipop 5.1 it suddenly got recognized. Android File Transfer was opening flawlessly as well as being listed in adb devices.