
Menu in Slide Menu using SWRevealViewController not working

Please find the Image which shows my project storyboard.

Any sort of information required from me please let me know.


  • So, as discussed, the problem is the Segue from the login view controller to the menu view controller, the only issue is that the type of the segue used to do this was a show detail segue, which needs to be a show segue instead, which embeds the destination view controller in a UINavigationController.

    Your main menu class (using SWRevealViewController) is expecting a UINavigationViewController to perform it's segues, which it is not able to find since the destination class is not embedded in a Navigation View controller. Either change the segue to show or you can choose to embed your destination view controller in a UINavigationViewController, but I would recommend to do the former.

    Just for your reference, here is an interesting read on the difference between the show and the show detail segues:

    What are the differences between segues: "show", "show detail", "present modally", "present as popover"?

    Hope this answers your question.