
how to change path when including file with gulp-inject

I'm injecting files like this right now:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var inject = require('gulp-inject');

gulp.task('inject_rev', function () {
    var target = gulp.src('webapp/dist/somefolder/index.html');
    var sources = gulp.src(['webapp/dist/somefolder/*.js',], {read: false});

    return target.pipe(inject(sources))

But in html file it includes not the path I need, how can I change this path? So for example instead of this:

<script src="/webapp/dist/somefolder/script-1253fe56bd.js"></script>

I could have this:

<script src="/my/own/directory/script-1253fe56bd.js"></script>


  • I think that you are referring that the dist folder is ok, that will be the public folder, but you need to change only the script-src attribute, to match the respective cdn/static source locations. try this :

           .pipe( $.inject(
            gulp.src( ['src/main/webapp/static/dist/**/*.js'], { read : false } ), {
                addRootSlash : false,
                //ignorePath : 'src/main/webapp',
                transform : function ( filePath, file, i, length ) {
                    var newPath = filePath.replace( 'src/main/webapp/', '' );
                    console.log('inject script = '+ newPath);
                    return '<script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/' + newPath  + '"></script>';
            } ))
        .pipe( $.inject(
            gulp.src( ['src/main/webapp/static/dist/**/*.css'], { read : false } ), {
                addRootSlash : false,
                //ignorePath : 'src/main/webapp',
                transform : function ( filePath, file, i, length ) {
                    var newPath = filePath.replace( 'src/main/webapp/', '' );
                    console.log('inject style = '+ newPath);
                    return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/' + newPath + '"/>';
            } ))

    change the gulp.src, replace() to match your environment

    edit full gulp.js file used in a java application.

    In my opinion you should remove the parts that you don't need, and start from scratch, adding one feature after another.

    here is my gulpfile

    var gulp = require( 'gulp' );
    var concat = require( 'gulp-concat' );
    // var concatCss = require( 'gulp-concat-css' );
    var uglifyCss = require( 'gulp-uglifycss' );
    var uglify = require( 'gulp-uglify' );
    var minify = require( 'gulp-minify' );
    var usemin = require( 'gulp-usemin' );
    var imagemin = require( 'gulp-imagemin' );
    // var cssnano = require('gulp-cssnano');
    var sourcemaps = require( 'gulp-sourcemaps' );
    var del = require( 'del' );
    var dir = require( 'node-dir' );
    var wiredep = require( 'wiredep' ).stream;
    var debug = require( 'gulp-debug' );
    var runSequence = require( 'run-sequence' );
    var bower = require( 'gulp-bower' );
    var $ = require( 'gulp-load-plugins' )();
    var livereload = require( 'gulp-livereload' );
    var injectReload = require( 'gulp-inject-reload' );
    var noop = require( 'gulp-util' ).noop;
    var plumber = require( 'gulp-plumber' );
    var expect = require( 'gulp-expect-file' );
    var liveReloadEnabled = false;
    var mainBowerFiles = require( 'main-bower-files' );
    var bower = require( 'gulp-bower' );
    var gutil = require( 'gulp-util' );
    var babel = require( 'gulp-babel' );
    var browserify = require( 'gulp-browserify' );
    var webserver = require( 'gulp-webserver' );
    // var minimist = require('minimist');
    global.Promise = require( 'bluebird' );
    var Q = require( 'q' );
    var DEBUG = false;
    var SOURCE_MAPS = false;
    var PROD = false;
    var liveReloadPort = 21232;
    var bower_components = 'bower_components';
    var paths = {
        scripts : ['src/main/javascript/**/*.js*'],// ,'!src/main/webapp/static/dist/**/*'
        raw_scripts : ['src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/raw_scripts/**/*.jsp*'],
        css : ['src/main/css/**/*.css'],
        // bower_dir : 'src/main/webapp/' + bower_components,
        bower_dir : bower_components,
    // images: 'client/img/**/*'
    gulp.task( 'main-files', function () {
        return gulp.src( mainBowerFiles(), {
            base : 'bower_components'
        } ).pipe( gulp.dest( 'src/main/webapp/bower_components' ) );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'scripts-dev', function () {
        return gulp.src( paths.scripts )//
            .pipe( babel( {
                plugins : ['transform-react-jsx', 'transform-runtime'],
                presets : ['es2015']
            } ) )
            .pipe( DEBUG ? debug() : noop() )//
            .pipe( gulp.dest( 'src/main/webapp/static/dist/js/' ) )//
    } );
    gulp.task( 'scripts', function () {
        return gulp.src( paths.scripts )//
            .pipe( babel( {
                plugins : ['transform-react-jsx'],
                presets : ['es2015']
            } ) )
            .pipe( DEBUG ? debug() : noop() )//
            .pipe( SOURCE_MAPS || (!PROD) ? sourcemaps.init() : noop() )//
            .pipe( uglify( {
                mangle : false
            } ).on( 'error', gutil.log ) )//
            .on( 'error', handleError )//
            .pipe( concat( 'bundle.js' ) )//
            .pipe( SOURCE_MAPS || (!PROD) ? sourcemaps.write( './' ) : noop() )//
            .pipe( gulp.dest( 'src/main/webapp/static/dist/' ) )//
            .pipe( liveReloadEnabled ? livereload() : noop() );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'styles-dev', function () {
        return gulp.src( paths.css )//
            .pipe( DEBUG ? debug() : noop() )//
            .pipe( gulp.dest( 'src/main/webapp/static/dist/css/' ) )//
    } );
    gulp.task( 'styles', function () {
        return gulp.src( paths.css )//
            .pipe( DEBUG ? debug() : noop() )//
            .pipe( SOURCE_MAPS || (!PROD) ? sourcemaps.init() : noop() )//
            .pipe( uglifyCss() ).pipe( concat( 'bundle.css' ) )//
            .pipe( SOURCE_MAPS || (!PROD) ? sourcemaps.write( './' ) : noop() )//
            .on( 'error', handleError )//
            .pipe( gulp.dest( 'src/main/webapp/static/dist/' ) )//
            .pipe( liveReloadEnabled ? livereload() : noop() );//
    } );
    var runUseminForFile = function ( file, base, onEnd ) {
        return gulp.src( file, { base : base } )
            .pipe( DEBUG ? debug() : noop() )
            .pipe( usemin( {
                path : base,
                //cssnano() seems it does not work
                css : [SOURCE_MAPS ? sourcemaps.init( { loadMaps : true } ) : noop(), uglifyCss( { uglyComments : true } ), 'concat', SOURCE_MAPS ? sourcemaps.write( './' ) : noop()],
                // uglify() //uglify( { mangle : false } )// uglify( { mangle : false } ).on('error', gutil.log)//minify({ignoreFiles: [ 'min.js']}),
                js : [SOURCE_MAPS ? sourcemaps.init( { loadMaps : true } ) : noop(), uglify( { mangle : false } ).on( 'error', gutil.log ), 'concat', SOURCE_MAPS ? sourcemaps.write( './' ) : noop()]
            } ) )//
            .pipe( gulp.dest( function () {
                var remainingFolder = file.substring( file.indexOf( base ) + base.length, file.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 );
                if ( DEBUG === true )
                    console.log( file, remainingFolder, base );
                return './tmp/vendor/' + remainingFolder + '/';
            } ) )
            .on( 'end', onEnd );
    gulp.task( 'usemin', ['wiredep'], function ( cb ) {
        // return
        dir.files( './tmp/', function ( err, files ) {
            var deferredList = [];
            if ( err )
                throw err;
            for ( var i = 0; i < files.length; i++ ) {
                var deferred = Q.defer();
                var file = files[i];
                if ( file.indexOf( '.jsp' ) === -1 )
                if ( DEBUG === true )
                    console.log( 'usemin for : ' + './' + file );
                runUseminForFile( './' + file, './tmp/', deferred.resolve );
                deferredList.push( deferred.promise );
            Q.all( deferredList ).then( function () {
            } );
        } );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'debug', function ( cb ) {
        DEBUG = true;
    } );
    gulp.task( 'sourcemaps', function ( cb ) {
        SOURCE_MAPS = true;
    } );
    gulp.task( 'clean', function () {
        return del.sync( ['tmp/', 'src/main/webapp/bower_components', 'src/main/webapp/static/dist',
            'src/main/webapp/static/vendor'], function ( err, paths ) {
            if ( DEBUG === true )
                console.log( 'Deleted files/folders:\n', paths.join( '\n' ) );
        } );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'copy-bower-fonts', function () {
        return gulp.src( paths.bower_dir + '/**/*.{ttf,woff,eof,svg}', {
            base : paths.bower_dir
        } ).pipe( DEBUG ? debug() : noop() )//
            .pipe( gulp.dest( './src/main/webapp/static/vendor/font/' ) );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'copy-bower-images', function () {
        return gulp.src( paths.bower_dir + '/**/*.{png,jpg,svg}', {
            base : paths.bower_dir
        } ).pipe( DEBUG ? debug() : noop() )//
            .pipe( gulp.dest( './src/main/webapp/static/images/' ) );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'min-and-replace', ['usemin'], function ( cb ) {
        // the base option sets the relative root for the set of files,
        // preserving the folder structure
        gulp.src( ['tmp/vendor/**/*.jsp*'], {
            base : './tmp/vendor/'
        } )//
            .pipe( DEBUG ? debug() : noop() )//
            .pipe( gulp.dest( 'src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/scripts/' ) ).on( 'end', function () {
            gulp.src( ['tmp/vendor/**/*.js', 'tmp/vendor/**/*.css'], {
                base : './tmp/vendor/${pageContext.request.contextPath}/static/'
            } ).pipe( DEBUG ? debug() : noop() )//
                .pipe( gulp.dest( 'src/main/webapp/static/' ) ).on( 'end', function () {
                del.sync( ['tmp/'], function ( err, paths ) {
                    if ( DEBUG === true )
                        console.log( 'Deleted files/folders:\n', paths.join( '\n' ) );
                } );
            } );
        } );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'wiredep', ['sync-install-scripts-styles'], function () {
        return gulp.src( paths.raw_scripts )//
            .pipe( DEBUG ? debug() : noop() )//
            .pipe( wiredep( {
                directory : paths.bower_dir,//
                dependencies : true, // default: true
                devDependencies : true, // default: false
                // ignorePath : '../../',
                fileTypes : {
                    jsp : {
                        replace : {
                            js : function ( filePath ) {
                                var newPath = filePath.substring( filePath.indexOf( bower_components ) + bower_components.length );
                                if ( DEBUG === true )
                                    console.log( 'bower script  = ' + newPath );
                                return '<script src="../' + paths.bower_dir + newPath + '"></script>';
                            css : function ( filePath ) {
                                var newPath = filePath.substring( filePath.indexOf( bower_components ) + bower_components.length );
                                if ( DEBUG === true )
                                    console.log( 'bower style = ' + newPath );
                                return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="../' + paths.bower_dir + newPath + '"/>';
            } ) )//
            .pipe( $.inject( gulp.src( ['src/main/webapp/static/dist/**/*.js'], {
                read : false
            } ), {
                addRootSlash : false,
                // ignorePath : 'src/main/webapp',
                transform : function ( filePath, file, i, length ) {
                    var newPath = filePath.replace( 'src/main/webapp/', '' );
                    if ( DEBUG === true )
                        console.log( 'inject script = ' + newPath );
                    return '<script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/' + newPath + '"></script>';
            } ) )//
            .pipe( $.inject( gulp.src( ['src/main/webapp/static/dist/**/*.css'], {
                read : false
            } ), {
                addRootSlash : false,
                // ignorePath : 'src/main/webapp',
                transform : function ( filePath, file, i, length ) {
                    var newPath = filePath.replace( 'src/main/webapp/', '' );
                    if ( DEBUG === true )
                        console.log( 'inject style = ' + newPath );
                    return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/' + newPath + '"/>';
            } ) )//
            .pipe( gulp.dest( './tmp/' ) );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'sync-install-scripts-styles', function ( cb ) {
        runSequence( 'install', ['scripts', 'styles'], cb );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'wiredep-live', function ( cb ) {
        return gulp.src( paths.raw_scripts )//
            .pipe( DEBUG ? debug() : noop() )//
            .pipe( wiredep( {
                directory : paths.bower_dir,//
                dependencies : true, // default: true
                devDependencies : true, // default: false
                // ignorePath : '../../../../',
                fileTypes : {
                    jsp : {
                        replace : {
                            js : function ( filePath ) {
                                var newPath = filePath.substring( filePath.indexOf( bower_components ) );
                                if ( DEBUG === true )
                                    console.log( 'bower script = ' + newPath );
                                return '<script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/' + newPath + '"></script>';
                            css : function ( filePath ) {
                                var newPath = filePath.substring( filePath.indexOf( bower_components ) );
                                if ( DEBUG === true )
                                    console.log( 'bower style = ' + newPath );
                                return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/' + newPath + '"/>';
            } ) )//
            .pipe( $.inject( gulp.src( ['src/main/webapp/static/dist/**/*.js'], {
                read : false
            } ), {
                addRootSlash : false,
                // ignorePath : 'src/main/webapp',
                transform : function ( filePath, file, i, length ) {
                    var newPath = filePath.replace( 'src/main/webapp/', '' );
                    if ( DEBUG === true )
                        console.log( 'inject script = ' + newPath );
                    return '<script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/' + newPath + '"></script>';
            } ) )//
            .pipe( $.inject( gulp.src( ['src/main/webapp/static/dist/**/*.css'], {
                read : false
            } ), {
                addRootSlash : false,
                // ignorePath : 'src/main/webapp',
                transform : function ( filePath, file, i, length ) {
                    var newPath = filePath.replace( 'src/main/webapp/', '' );
                    if ( DEBUG === true )
                        console.log( 'inject style = ' + newPath );
                    return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/' + newPath + '"/>';
            } ) )//
            .pipe( liveReloadEnabled ? injectReload( {
                port : liveReloadPort,
                host : 'http://localhost'
            } ) : noop() ).pipe( gulp.dest( './src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/scripts/' ) );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'wiredep-full-live', function ( cb ) {
        runSequence( 'sync-install-scripts-styles', 'wiredep-live', cb );
    } );
    // Copy all static images
    // gulp.task('images', ['clean'], function() {
    // return gulp.src(paths.images)
    // // Pass in options to the task
    // .pipe(imagemin({optimizationLevel: 5}))
    // .pipe(gulp.dest('build/img'));
    // });
    // Rerun the task when a file changes
    gulp.task( 'watch', function () {
        liveReloadEnabled = true;
        livereload.listen( liveReloadPort );
        runSequence( 'wiredep-full-live' ); paths.scripts, ['scripts'] ); paths.css, ['styles'] ); paths.raw_scripts, ['wiredep-live'] ); ['bower.json'], ['wiredep-full-live'] );
    } );
    function handleError( error ) {
        // If you want details of the error in the console
        console.log( error.toString() );
        if ( liveReloadEnabled === true )
            this.emit( 'end' );
            fail( error );
    gulp.task( 'live-reload', function () {
        return gulp.src( './src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/scripts/**/*.jsp*' ).pipe( injectReload( {
            host : 'http://localhost'
        } ) ).pipe( gulp.dest( './src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/scripts/' ) );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'del-components', function () {
        del.sync( 'target/**/bower_components', function ( err, paths ) {
            if ( DEBUG === true )
                console.log( 'Deleted files/folders:\n', paths.join( '\n' ) );
        } );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'dev', ['clean', 'sourcemaps', 'wiredep-full-live'] );
    gulp.task( 'stage', function ( cb ) {
        runSequence( 'clean', 'wiredep-full-live', cb );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'prod', function ( cb ) {
        PROD = true;
        runSequence( 'clean', 'min-and-replace', cb );// , 'del-components'
    } );
    gulp.task( 'install', function ( cb ) {
        runSequence( 'bower-install', 'main-files', cb );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'js', function () {
        return gulp.src( "src/main/javascript/app.js" )
            .pipe( browserify( {
                transform : 'reactify',
                debug : true
            } ) )
            .on( 'error', function ( err ) {
                console.error( 'Error!', err.message );
            } )
            .pipe( concat( 'bundle.js' ) )//
            .pipe( gulp.dest( "src/main/webapp/static/dist/" ) );
    } );
    gulp.task( 'ss', function ( cb ) {
        runSequence( 'clean', 'js', cb );
    } );
    // gulp.task('webserver', function() {
    //  gulp.src( app + '/')
    //      .pipe(webserver({
    //          livereload: true,
    //          open: true
    //      }));
    // });
    gulp.task( 'default', ['watch', 'html', 'js', 'css', 'webserver'] );
    //gulp.task( 'bower-install', function( cb ) {
    //  bower.commands.install( [], {
    //      save : true
    //  }, {} ).on( 'end', function( installed ) {
    //      cb( ); // notify gulp that this task is finished
    //  } );
    //} );
    gulp.task( 'bower-install', function ( cb ) {
        return bower();
    } );
    // The default task (called when you run `gulp` from cli)
    gulp.task( 'default', ['clean', 'dev'] ); // 'images' // 'watch'