
Bootstrap datepicker and Fuel UX datepicker conflicting

I am trying to use the Fuel UX wizard control, along with Bootstrap. However, since I am using also Bootstrap's datepicker there seems to be a conflict involved in using the datepicker from one and the other library, since both define with $.fn.datepicker the same name for the datepicker jQuery plugin.

An obvious solution for me would be to only enable the Fuel UX controls I really need to use. The Fuel UX documentation states that this in fact can be achieved as explained here, however it seems that as of version 3.0 of Fuel UX the individual .js files are not included in a release anymore, so that the approach of loading a single Fuel UX control doesn't work as expected since we get a 404 response from their CDN server.

Any thoughts on how a workaround may be achieved here?


  • You are correct that only the dist folder is present on the CDN. If you bower install or npm install, you will have access to the js folder.

    Think of the CDN as the "quick, get things working" method and Bower/NPM (or even git submodules) as the "optimize my project" direction.