I am trying for the first time to use Reactive Banana (WX) to display a text like "Pressed button One", "Pressed button Two", etc. on top of five buttons:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (Event)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.WX
data Buttons = One | Two | Three | Four | Five deriving (Show)
main :: IO ()
main = start $ do
f <- frame [text := “Five Buttons“]
bone <- button f [text := “One”]
btwo <- button f [text := “Two”]
bthree <- button f [text := “Three”]
bfour <- button f [text := “Four”]
bfive <- button f [text := “Five”]
out <- staticText f []
set f [layout := margin 10 $
column 5 [row 5 [widget bone, widget btwo, widget bthree, widget bfour, widget bfive],
grid 5 5 [[label “Output:” , widget out]
let networkDescription :: forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t ()
networkDescription = do
eone <- event0 bone command
etwo <- event0 btwo command
ethree <- event0 bthree command
efour <- event0 bfour command
efive <- event0 bfive command
somethinghere::Behaviour t Buttons
somethinghere = ....
sink out [text :== "Pressed button " ++ show <$> somethinghere]
network <- compile networkDescription
actuate network
The code is just the main skeleton. What I am not able to do at the moment is filling up the somethinghere
method. As said, if for example the button "One" is pressed, then somethinghere
should return referring to Buttons
ADT data One
and so on.
I tried with accumB
and unionWith
but I don't think I am getting right the mechanism. Any help?
I believe you want something like:
let eChangeSelection :: Event t Buttons
eChangeSelection = unions
[ One <$ eone
, Two <$ etwo
, Three <$ ethree
, Four <$ efour
, Five <$ efive
-- Your `somethinghere`:
bSelection :: Behavior t Buttons
bSelection = stepper One eChangeSelection
represents the currently selected button, and eChangeSelection
is the stream of updates to it. unions
merges the five event streams, and (<$)
tags each individual stream with the appropriate value. Note that I arbitrarily picked One
as the initial selection value; you might prefer doing something different (e.g. using a Behavior t (Maybe Buttons)
so that it is possible to not have a button selected).