I'm searching for a way to resize an image (uploaded by a standard html form submit) before sending it to cloud (openstack, s3 or else).
I'm using NodeJS and 3 plugins: Multer (upload management), lwip (image resizing) and PkgCloud (transfert to cloud).
I'm able to handle the upload with multer, and I can write a new resized file in the server with lwip.
var fs = require('fs'),
multer = require('multer'),
upload = multer({ dest: 'uploads/medias/' }),
pkgcloud = require('pkgcloud'),
client = pkgcloud.storage.createClient({/* some config */});
// "router" is an instance of a route from Express
router.post('/media/:id/image', upload.single('file'), function (req) {
var lwip = require('lwip'),
type = 'png',
npath = req.file.path + '_150x150';
// the file exists and the log shows information
// open image
lwip.open(req.file.path, type, function (err, image) {
.resize(150, 150)
.writeFile(npath, type, function () {
// remove raw file
fs.unlink(req.file.path, function () {
// how do I send the new resized file to the pkgcloud client?
But I'm missing something, and I can't find a way to send this new file to the cloud. I discovered a plugin which manage transfert between multer and a configured pkgcloud instance (multer-storage-pkgcloud), but I can't figure out how to resize the file before sending it to cloud.
Does anyone have an idea how to handle that?
I found a way to do it, by simply create a stream from the file and pipe it with pkgcloud instance:
var fstream = fs.createReadStream(path_to_file);
container: 'container-id',
remote: 'remote-name'
Is missing in this code: all the success and error callbacks. But the idea is here.