Recently there was a question about the relation between DList
<-> []
versus Codensity
<-> Free
This made me think whether there is such a thing for MonadPlus
. The Codensity
monad improves the asymptotic performance only for the monadic operations, not for mplus
Moreover, while there used to be Control.MonadPlus.Free
, it has been removed in favor of FreeT f []
. And since there is no explicit free MonadPlus
, I'm not sure how one would express a corresponding improve
variant. Perhaps something like
improvePlus :: Functor f => (forall m. (MonadFree f m, MonadPlus m) => m a) -> FreeT f [] a
Update: I attempted to create such a monad using the backtracking LogicT
monad, which seems to be defined in a way similar to Codensity
newtype LogicT r m a = LogicT { unLogicT :: forall r. (a -> m r -> m r) -> m r -> m r }
and is suited for backtracking computations, that is, MonadPlus
Then I defined lowerLogic
, similar to lowerCodensity
as followd:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses,
UndecidableInstances, DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.Logic
lowerLogic :: (MonadPlus m) => LogicT m a -> m a
lowerLogic k = runLogicT k (\x k -> mplus (return x) k) mzero
Then, after supplementing the corresponding MonadFree
instance (Functor f, MonadFree f m) => MonadFree f (LogicT m) where
wrap t = LogicT (\h z -> wrap (fmap (\p -> runLogicT p h z) t))
one can define
improvePlus :: (Functor f, MonadPlus mr)
=> (forall m. (MonadFree f m, MonadPlus m) => m a)
-> FreeT f mr a
improvePlus k = lowerLogic k
However, something isn't right with it, as it seems from my initial experiments that for some examples k
is distinct from improvePlus k
. I'm not sure, if this is a fundamental limitation of LogicT
and a different, more complex monad is needed, or just if I defined lowerLogic
(or something else) wrongly.
The following is all based on my (mis)understanding of this very interesting paper posted by Matthew Pickering in his comment: From monoids to near-semirings: the essence of MonadPlus and Alternative (E. Rivas, M. Jaskelioff, T. Schrijvers). All results are theirs; all mistakes are mine.
To build up the intuition, first consider the free monoid []
the category of Haskell types Hask
. One problem with []
is that if
you have
(xs `mappend` ys) `mappend` zs = (xs ++ ys) ++ zs
then evaluating that requires traversing and re-traversing xs
each left-nested application of mappend
The solution is to use CPS in the form of difference lists:
newtype DList a = DL { unDL :: [a] -> [a] }
The paper considers the generic form of this (called the Cayley representation) where we're not tied to the free monoid:
newtype Cayley m = Cayley{ unCayley :: Endo m }
with conversions
toCayley :: (Monoid m) => m -> Cayley m
toCayley m = Cayley $ Endo $ \m' -> m `mappend` m'
fromCayley :: (Monoid m) => Cayley m -> m
fromCayley (Cayley k) = appEndo k mempty
We can generalize the above construction in two ways: first, by
considering monoids not over Hask
, but over endofunctors of Hask
monads; and second, by enriching the algebraic structure into
monads to Codensity
For any Haskell (endo)functor f
, we can construct the free
monad Free f
, and
it will have the analogous performance problem with left-nested binds,
with the analogous solution of using the Cayley representation
This is where the paper stops reviewing concepts that are well-known by the working Haskell programmer, and starts homing in on its goal. A near-semiring is like a ring, except simpler, since both addition and multiplication are just required to be monoids. The connection between the two operations is what you expect:
zero |*| a = zero
(a |+| b) |*| c = (a |*| c) |+| (b |*| c)
where (zero, |+|)
and (one, |*|)
are the two monoids over some
shared base:
class NearSemiring a where
zero :: a
(|+|) :: a -> a -> a
one :: a
(|*|) :: a -> a -> a
The free near-semiring (over Hask
) turns out to be the following
newtype Forest a = Forest [Tree a]
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Forest a)
instance NearSemiring (Forest a) where
zero = Forest []
one = Forest [Leaf]
(Forest xs) |+| (Forest ys) = Forest (xs ++ ys)
(Forest xs) |*| (Forest ys) = Forest (concatMap g xs)
g Leaf = ys
g (Node a n) = [Node a (n |*| (Forest ys))]
(good thing we don't have commutativity or inverses, those make free representations far from trivial...)
Then, the paper applies the Cayley representation twice, to the two monoidal structures.
However, if we do this naively, we do not get a good representation: we want to represent a near-semiring, and therefore the whole near-semiring structure must be taken into account and not just one chosen monoid structure. [...] [W]e obtain the semiring of endomorphisms over endomorphisms
newtype DC n = DC{ unDC :: Endo (Endo n) }
instance (Monoid n) => NearSemiring (DC n) where
f |*| g = DC $ unDC f `mappend` unDC g
one = DC mempty
f |+| g = DC $ Endo $ \h -> appEndo (unDC f) h `mappend` h
zero = DC $ Endo $ const mempty
(I've changed the implementation here slightly from the paper to
emphasize that we are using the Endo
structure twice). When we'll
generalize this, the two layers will not be the same. The paper then
goes on to say:
Note that
is not a near-semiring homomorphism fromN
as it does not preserve the unit [...] Nevertheless, [...] the semantics of a computation over a near-semiring will be preserved if we lift values to the representation, do the near-semiring computation there, and then go back to the original near-semiring.
is almost a near-semiringThe paper then goes on to reformulate the MonadPlus
typeclass so
that it corresponds to the near-semiring rules: (mzero, mplus)
is monoidal:
m `mplus` mzero = m
mzero `mplus` m = m
m1 `mplus` (m2 `mplus` m3) = (m1 `mplus` m2) `mplus` m3
and it interacts with the monad-monoid as expected:
join mzero = mzero
join (m1 `mplus` m2) = join m1 `mplus` join m2
Or, using binds:
mzero >>= _ = mzero
(m1 `mplus` m2) >>= k = (m1 >>= k) `mplus` (m2 >>= k)
However, these are not the rules of the existing MonadPlus
typeclass from
which are listed as:
mzero >>= _ = mzero
_ >> mzero = mzero
The paper calls MonadPlus
instances that satisfy the
near-semiring-like laws "nondeterminism monads", and
cites Maybe
as an example that is a MonadPlus
but not a
nondeterminism monad, since setting m1 = Just Nothing
and m2 = Just
(Just False)
is a counter-example to join (m1 `mplus` m2) = join m1
`mplus` join m2
Putting everything together, on one hand we have the Forest
free nondeterminism monad:
newtype FreeP f x = FreeP { unFreeP :: [FFreeP f x] }
data FFreeP f x = PureP x | ConP (f (FreeP f x))
instance (Functor f) => Functor (FreeP f) where
fmap f x = x >>= return . f
instance (Functor f) => Monad (FreeP f) where
return x = FreeP $ return $ PureP x
(FreeP xs) >>= f = FreeP (xs >>= g)
g (PureP x) = unFreeP (f x)
g (ConP x) = return $ ConP (fmap (>>= f) x)
instance (Functor f) => MonadPlus (FreeP f) where
mzero = FreeP mzero
FreeP xs `mplus` FreeP ys = FreeP (xs `mplus` ys)
and on the other, the double-Cayley representation of the two monoidal layers:
newtype (:^=>) f g x = Ran{ unRan :: forall y. (x -> f y) -> g y }
newtype (:*=>) f g x = Exp{ unExp :: forall y. (x -> y) -> (f y -> g y) }
instance Functor (g :^=> h) where
fmap f m = Ran $ \k -> unRan m (k . f)
instance Functor (f :*=> g) where
fmap f m = Exp $ \k -> unExp m (k . f)
newtype DCM f x = DCM {unDCM :: ((f :*=> f) :^=> (f :*=> f)) x}
instance Monad (DCM f) where
return x = DCM $ Ran ($x)
DCM (Ran m) >>= f = DCM $ Ran $ \g -> m $ \a -> unRan (unDCM (f a)) g
instance MonadPlus (DCM f) where
mzero = DCM $ Ran $ \k -> Exp (const id)
mplus m n = DCM $ Ran $ \sk -> Exp $ \f fk -> unExp (a sk) f (unExp (b sk) f fk)
DCM (Ran a) = m
DCM (Ran b) = n
caylize :: (Monad m) => m a -> DCM m a
caylize x = DCM $ Ran $ \g -> Exp $ \h m -> x >>= \a -> unExp (g a) h m
-- I wish I called it DMC earlier...
runDCM :: (MonadPlus m) => DCM m a -> m a
runDCM m = unExp (f $ \x -> Exp $ \h m -> return (h x) `mplus` m) id mzero
DCM (Ran f) = m
The paper gives the following example of a computation running in a
nondeterminism monad that will behave poorly for FreeP
anyOf :: (MonadPlus m) => [a] -> m a
anyOf [] = mzero
anyOf (x:xs) = anyOf xs `mplus` return x
Indeed, while
length $ unFreeP (anyOf [1..100000] :: FreeP Identity Int)
takes ages, the Cayley-transformed version
length $ unFreeP (runDCM $ anyOf [1..100000] :: FreeP Identity Int)
returns instantly.