
Android test raw resource

I have the following folder structure in Android Studio:

├── androidTest
│   ├── java
│   └── res
│       └── raw
│           └── test_file
└── main
    ├── java
    └── res
        └── raw
            └── app_file

I'm trying to access the test_file resource which exists in the raw folder of the androidTest elements. Here's the code inside a Robotium test case that inherits from ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2:

InputStream is = this.getInstrumentation()

Android Studio throws a reference error since the resource cannot be found. The exact error is "Cannot resolve symbol test_file".

How can I reference this resource form a test case, which exists on the androidTest resources bundle?


  • By default your androidTest project will include your app's R class, but androidTest's resources will be generated into a separate file. Make sure you import the R class from your test project:

    import com.your.package.test.R;

    You can also directly reference the test project's R class:
