I have a WaveMaker 6.7 app where I need to change the dojo ToolTip object for the rangeMessage property. For example, the javascript below changes the 'rangeMessage' property of a wavemaker number editor widget:
var page = wm.getPage('Main');
page["flowStdEditor"].setValue('rangeMessage','New Range Message Text');
alert(page["flowStdEditor"].rangeMessage); // Shows 'New Range Message Text' set above
On data entry where I enter a number that is out of range, I still receive the old 'rangeMessage' from when the app first started up in the clients web browser. Any ideas on how to change the 'rangeMessage' property on a number editor widget dynamically?? or after changing the 'rangeMessage' property, how do I refresh the dojo ToolTip object so it picks up the latest text??
Got it working, although it's not completely clean... using inspect in the web browser I found the dijit ID for the 'flowStdEditor' wavemaker object. I did this by entering a value out of range, right-clicking the tooltip and selecting 'inspect element'. It showed me the HTML for the tooltip:
<input aria-invalid="false" style="height: 20px; line-height: 20px;" value="" aria-required="true" aria-disabled="false" aria-valuemax="99.99" aria-valuemin="14.16" tabindex="0" id="dijit_form_NumberTextBox_14" aria-valuenow="88888888888" class="dijitReset dijitInputInner" dojoattachpoint="textbox,focusNode" autocomplete="off" type="text">
I used id
id="dijit_form_NumberTextBox_14" in the html to do the following:
var flowStdNumBox = dijit.byId("dijit_form_NumberTextBox_14");
alert('flowStdNumBox ' + flowStdNumBox.get("rangeMessage")); // Shows old message
flowStdNumBox.set("rangeMessage",'New Range Message Text');
alert('flowStdNumBox ' + flowStdNumBox.get("rangeMessage")); //Shows new message
Everything looks OK and when I enter a number that is out of ranged in the number editor widget, it now shows the new message 'New Range Message Text'.
What I don't like is hard coding the 'dijit_form_NumberTextBox_14' in my app. Does anyone know a way of retrieving the dijit.id for a WaveMaker wm.number editor widget?? (Updated!! See below)
This will retrieve what I need to make the tooltip change programmatically. It will grab 'dijit_form_NumberTextBox_14' in the example sited above.
var tmp = page[componentName].domNode.childNodes.item(1).attributes.getNamedItem('widgetid');
Here is some code that loops through all the wavemaker page components looking for 'rangeMessage' and 'invalidMessage' properties:
try {
var page = wm.getPage('Main').components;
for(var componentName in page) {
if (typeof page[componentName].domNode != 'undefined') {
if (page[componentName].domNode.childNodes.length >= 2) {
var tmp = page[componentName].domNode.childNodes.item(1).attributes.getNamedItem('widgetid');
if (tmp !== null) {
var id = tmp.value;
var dojoObj = dijit.byId(id);
var rngMsg = dojoObj.get("rangeMessage");
var invalidMsg = dojoObj.get("invalidMessage");
if (typeof rngMsg != 'undefined') {
var compRange = compRngMsg(componentName); // Lookup to see if component has a special range message to use
if (compRange !== null) {
dojoObj.set("rangeMessage",compRange); // Overrides generic rangeMessage set by langTxtRangeMsgVariable
page[componentName].rangeMessage = compRange;
if (debugging) { console.log('Overriding generic rangMessage for ' + componentName + ' to "' + compRange + '"'); }
} else {
page[componentName].rangeMessage = app.langTxtRangeMsgVariable.getValue("dataValue");
if (debugging) { console.log('Setting generic rangMessage for ' + componentName + ' to "' + app.langTxtRangeMsgVariable.getValue("dataValue") + '"'); }
if (typeof invalidMsg != 'undefined') {
if (invalidMsg !== '$_unset_$') {
var compInvalid = compInvalidMsg(componentName); // Lookup to see if component has a special range message to use
if (compInvalid !== null) {
dojoObj.set("invalidMessage",compInvalid); //Override generic message for component
page[componentName].invalidMessage = compInvalid;
if (debugging) { console.log('Overriding generic invalidMessage for ' + componentName + ' to "' + compInvalid + '"'); }
} else {
dojoObj.set("invalidMessage",app.langTxtInvalidMsgVariable.getValue("dataValue")); //Set generic invalid message
page[componentName].invalidMessage = app.langTxtInvalidMsgVariable.getValue("dataValue");
if (debugging) { console.log('Setting generic invalidMessage for ' + componentName + ' to "' + app.langTxtInvalidMsgVariable.getValue("dataValue") + '"'); }
if (debugging) { console.log(componentName + ' - id: ' + id + ' rngMsg: ' + rngMsg + ' invalideMsg: ' + invalidMsg); }
} else {
if (debugging) { console.log('Skipping ' + componentName); }
if (debugging) { console.log('Completed setting generic messages'); }
} catch(errC) {
var msg = 'languageDataVariableResult: Error encounted during generic message converions! ' + errC;