
Table of contents sidebar in Sphinx LaTeX PDF

I am generating a LaTeX document from Sphinx, and converting it to PDF using pdflatex (from MikTeX). The document is missing a table of contents in the sidebar of the PDF viewer.

If I add manually \usepackage{hyperref} to the tex file, it works. But how can I tell Sphinx to do it in the conf.py project file? There is no (evident) related option in the latex output options.



  • Section 2.5.3 Customizing the rendering of the Sphinx document mentions:

    LaTeX preamble

    Additional commands may be added as preamble in the generated LaTeX file. This is easily done by editing file conf.py:

    f = open('latex-styling.tex', 'r+');
    PREAMBLE = f.read();
    latex_elements = {
      # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
      #'papersize': 'a4paper',
      # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
      #'pointsize': '10pt',
      # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
      'preamble': PREAMBLE

    This will copy the contents of file latex-styling.tex (in same directory as conf.py) to the generated LaTeX document. For instance, if latex-styling.tex reads:

    % My personal "bold" command

    the generated LaTeX document becomes:

    % Generated by Sphinx.
    % snip (packages)
    % My personal "bold" command
    \title{My Extension Documentation}
    \date{2013-06-30 22:25}
    \author{Xavier Perseguers}

    Other options

    The configuration file conf.py lets you further tune the rendering with LaTeX. Please consult http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/config.html#options-for-latex-output for further instructions.

    A more direct way of adding content rather than inserting it in a separate file (say, latex-styling.tex), is to specify if verbatim. The next subsection in the documentation mentions this for a specific package typo3:

    TYPO3 template

    We want to stick as much as possible to default rendering, to avoid having to change the LaTeX code generation from Sphinx. As such, we choose to include a custom package typo3 (file typo3.sty) that will override some settings of package sphinx. To include it automatically, we simply use the preamble option of conf.py:

    latex_elements = {
      # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
      'preamble': '\\usepackage{typo3}'

    It's better to contain your styling options in a separate latex-styling.tex file that you can include using the preamble key via an f.read(). That way you don't have to update conf.py. Compartmentalization is usually better.