I am using Perl and ImageMagick (Perl-API). In a first step i take a rectangle of an image and blur this part of the image (plus rotation of that rectangle). Thanks to Mark Setchell this works as further bellow (see stackoverflow question here: How to blur/pixelate part of an image using ImageMagick?).
Now my aim is to blur the rectangle of that image with the result of bigger pixels. How can i achieve that?
Here the code of Mark Setchell that i use so far:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Image::Magick;
my $x;
my $image;
my $blurred;
my $mask;
# Create original fishscale image
# Copy original image and blur
$blurred = $image->Clone();
# Make mask and rotate
# Copy mask as alpha channel into blurred image
$blurred->Composite(image=>$mask,qw(compose CopyOpacity gravity center));
# Composite blurred image onto original
UPDATE: Still one problem remains:
It works fine with a selected rectangle without rotation. But if i apply an angle i get wierd results. The area that gets pixelated is not the area i have defined but it differs the more i select the rectangle away from the middle of the image and/or increase the angle.
See the images below with different rectangles selected and the areas that gets pixelated. I have used an angle of 45 degree.
Any idea what the problem is here? (maybe 'compose CopyOpacity gravity center')
Something like this?
use strict;
use warnings;
use Image::Magick;
my $x;
my $image;
my $blurred;
my $mask;
# Create original fishscale image
# Copy original image and scale
$blurred = $image->Clone();
# Make mask and rotate
# Copy mask as alpha channel into blurred image
$blurred->Composite(image=>$mask,qw(compose CopyOpacity gravity center));
# Composite blurred image onto original