I've been searching around the posts about Fotorama gallery and have seen some simillar questions but it looks no one of them fits my case.
What I need is clicking the image instead of switching to the next one to open a new webpage like a hyperling usually does. Wrapping the with an tag didn't help at all:
<div class="fotorama"
<a href="The link to an external page">
<img src="My image url">
Thanks for your time in advance, and take my excuses if I repeat already a question. If so, please refer me to it.
*** PS: I'm not talking about the thumbnail images but for the main ones.`
Ok, that one wasn't so difficult. Looking around the solutions Andrey Okonetchnikov gave in the GitHub section of the project I've ended up with this sollution which totally worked for me.
I hope this refference will be usefull for someone of you too! Happy coding ^^