I am writing a single page app using appgyver (javascript). There are a number of lists that are written dynamically using javascript (following an external API call). Each list contains an item which, when clicked / pressed, I would like to fire a different js method.
function write_a_list(some_array)
for ( indexor =0; indexor < some_array.length; indexor++)
var this_option_div = $('<div>');
this_option_div.html("Button: " + indexor);
$(document).on('click', '.some_list_item', function()
supersonic.logger.debug('some_list_item clicked');
alert('some_list_item clicked');
For example, an array is passed to the write_a_list function. If an item is clicked it should be detected and fire an alert. However, this behaviour isn't observed. Is there a way that this can be achieved using the jquery 'on' approach?
You are using this_option_div.addClass('some_list_item');
and then calling the click event on an id that may not exist.
Change it to:
$(document).on('click', '.some_list_item', function() { ... }
EDIT ////
Can you try the closest parent selector that is not dynamic instead of document?
$('.static-wrapper').on('click', '.some_list_item', function() { ... }