How to Pass DateTimePicker Value to Controller from VIew?

I want to transfer datetimepicker value to my controller. I am able to transfer value by regular:

     //PassDate Value While Calling Main Controller.
    vrdCurv = "@Url.Action("GetOutgoingMessage", "OutGoingMessages", new { ABC = "asdnfsdf" })";

But not able to get result from the below code.

  //******Start of Date Pickers************
    var datepickerFrom = $("#dateFromPicker").kendoDatePicker({
        format: "dd/MM/yyyy",
        change: function () {

  //PassDate Value While Calling Main Controller.
    vrdCurv = "@Url.Action("GetOutgoingMessage", "OutGoingMessages", new { dateTimePicker.value })";

//Controller Code:

    public JsonResult GetOutgoingMessage(string ABC)
    var a = abc;


I also tried to pass normal variable value as below code that is also not working:

    public JsonResult GetOutgoingMessage(DateTime? abc)
        using (var db = SiteUtil.NewDb)

             TempData["msg"] = abc;


    var fromDate = null;
    var toDate = null;

    //Inilialise date variable.

    fromDate = '2015-07-10';
    toDate = '2015-07-10';

    var dataSourceOutMessage = new{
            transport: {
            read: {
                url: "@Url.Action("GetOutgoingMessage", "OutGoingMessages")",
               dataType: 'json',
               date:{"fromdate" : fromdate}
        schema: {
      model: {
     Id: { type: "String" },
     MsgType: { type: "String" },
     Subject: { type: "String" },
     CreatedOn: { type: "String" },
    ProcessedOn: {type: "date"}
   pageSize: 20


  • Can you try this:

     vrdCurv = "@Url.Action("GetOutgoingMessage", "OutGoingMessages", new { ABC = "-1"})";
     vrdCurv.replace("-1", datepickerFrom.value());

    (dirty but I think this will work)

    I strongly recommend you to go start learning from start ASP.NET MVC here.