
How to send sms to multiple contacts

How to send sms to multiple contacts and get the result code for each of them. It is not working. I get opened only the last number in the 'numbers' string and not to all of them.

What am I doing wrong?

In my controller,

  foreach ($sendarraystudent as $studentid) {
      $student = Student::model()->findByPk($studentid);

      $name = $student->student_firstname . " " . $student->student_middlename . " " . $student->student_lastname;

      $smobile = $student->student_mobile;
      //$mobilelist = $mobilelist . ',' . $smobile;
      $msg1 = $msg;
      $msg1 = str_replace("#course#", $course->course_name, $msg);
      $msg1 = str_replace("#batch#", $batch->batch_name, $msg1);
      $msg1 = str_replace("#name#", $name, $msg1);

      $this->sendbulk($smobile, $msg1);

protected function sendbulk($mobilenum, $message) {
    $no = $mobilenum;
    $msg = $message;

    $link = "http://url/api/v3/index.php?method=sms&api_key=A6xxxxxxxxxxx&to=" . $no . "&sender=xxxxxx&message=" . $msg . "&unicode=xxx";
    header('Location: ' . $link) and exit;


  • I think it is because you use redirect header('Location: ' . $link) and exit;. Processing only one sms. Try this:

    foreach ($sendarraystudent as $studentid) {
        $link = "http://url/api/v3/index.php?method=sms&api_key=A6xxxxxxxxxxx&to=" . $student->student_mobile . "&sender=xxxxxx&message=" . $msg1 . "&unicode=xxx"
        $content = file_get_contents($link);
        echo $content;