I created two C programs
Program 1
int main()
Program 2
int main()
//Some Harmless comments
AFAIK, when compiling, the compiler(gcc) should ignore the comments and redundant whitepaces, and hence the output must be similar.
But when I checked the md5sums of the output binaries, they don't match. I also tried compiling with optimisation -O3
and -Ofast
but they still didn't match.
What is happening here?
EDIT: the exact commands and there md5sums are(t1.c is program 1 and t2.c is program 2)
gcc ./t1.c -o aaa
gcc ./t2.c -o bbb
98c1a86e593fd0181383662e68bac22f aaa
c10293cbe6031b13dc6244d01b4d2793 bbb
gcc ./t2.c -Ofast -o bbb
gcc ./t1.c -Ofast -o aaa
2f65a6d5bc9bf1351bdd6919a766fa10 aaa
c0bee139c47183ce62e10c3dbc13c614 bbb
gcc ./t1.c -O3 -o aaa
gcc ./t2.c -O3 -o bbb
564a39d982710b0070bb9349bfc0e2cd aaa
ad89b15e73b26e32026fd0f1dc152cd2 bbb
And yes, md5sums match across multiple compilations with same flags.
BTW my system is gcc (GCC) 5.2.0
and Linux 4.2.0-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT x86_64 GNU/Linux
It's because the file names are different (although the strings output is the same). If you try modifying the file itself (rather than having two files), you'll notice that the output binaries are no longer different. As both Jens and I said, it's because GCC dumps a whole load of metadata into the binaries it builds, including the exact source filename (and AFAICS so does clang).
Try this:
$ cp code.c code2.c subdir/code.c
$ gcc code.c -o a
$ gcc code2.c -o b
$ gcc subdir/code.c -o a2
$ diff a b
Binary files a and b differ
$ diff a2 b
Binary files a2 and b differ
$ diff -s a a2
Files a and a2 are identical
This explains why your md5sums don't change between builds, but they are different between different files. If you want, you can do what Jens suggested and compare the output of strings
for each binary you'll notice that the filenames are embedded in the binary. If you want to "fix" this, you can strip
the binaries and the metadata will be removed:
$ strip a a2 b
$ diff -s a b
Files a and b are identical
$ diff -s a2 b
Files a2 and b are identical
$ diff -s a a2
Files a and a2 are identical