I want to match the string which is followed by " ETN : " i.e., (name1/name2 ) first and after I match it, I want to print the first occurrence of it before the string "data reached"
ETN: name1/name2
abchsfk/jshflka/ZN (cellLVT)
asjkfsa/sfklfkshfsf/Z (mobSVT)
asjhfdjkfd/sjfdskjfhdk/hsakfshf/Z (celLVT)
asjhdjs/jhskjds/ZN (abcSVT)
shdsjk/jhskd/ZN (xyzSVT)
name1/name2/ZN (abcLVT)
data reached
asjhfdjkfd/sjfdskjfhdk/hsakfshf/Z (celLVT)
asjkfsa/sfklfkshfsf/Z (mobSVT)
shdsjk/jhskd/ZN (xyzSVT)
asjhdjs/jhskjds/ZN (abcSVT)
shdsjk/jhskd/ZN (xyzSVT)
name1/name2/ZN (abcLVT)
ETN: name3/name4
abchsfk/jshflka/ZN (cellLVT)
asjkfsa/sfklfkshfsf/Z (mobSVT)
asjhfdjkfd/sjfdskjfhdk/hsakfshf/Z (celLVT)
asjhdjs/jhskjds/ZN (abcSVT)
shdsjk/jhskd/ZN (xyzSVT)
name3/name4/ZN (fhLVT)
data reached
asjhfdjkfd/sjfdskjfhdk/hsakfshf/Z (celLVT)
asjkfsa/sfklfkshfsf/Z (mobSVT)
shdsjk/jhskd/ZN (xyzSVT)
asjhdjs/jhskjds/ZN (abcSVT)
shdsjk/jhskd/ZN (xyzSVT)
name3/name4/ZN (fhLVT)
Output :
name1/name2/ZN (abcLVT)
name3/name4/ZN (fhLVT)
I tried to march the string first with ETN and tried to print it.
if ($line =~ m/ETN: /)
my @names = split / /, $line;
$a = $names[3];
if ($line =~ m /$a /)
print " $line \n" ;
Your code doesn't show the loop where you retrieve $line from the file but it looks like you're trying to use a nested approach, in which case you're missing another such loop. That would work if each record ends in "data reached", but that's not consistently present in your example data. However a nested loop isn't necessary in this case nor does it add to readability, so just use a single loop as shown below.
First, a few comments:
You don't need the m// for your regex as // will suffice since it's not a multi-line match.
You should use an ^ anchor not only for accuracy but speed.
You can retrieve the name from the regex without the split line you have by using the special match variables e.g. $1 as shown below.
I didn't use $line in my code below, just the assumed $_ var, which is common perl style. Since it's assumed, it wasn't written in the code.
If you don't chomp the line, you don't need to add a newline when printing.
Here's your code, with the input loop shown, modified to work. I used $name in two conditionals below, which is equivalent to checking if it is both defined and not empty.
my $name;
while (<$in>)
if (/^ETN:\s+(\S+)/) { $name = $1 }
elsif ( $name and /^\s+$name/) { print }
$name or warn("No ETN records found\n");